Add/Remove Item From Shopping Cart, Change Price

Login here:
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You can copy and paste your Username and Password. Make sure there are no extra spaces at the beginning or end. Click REMEMBER ME. Let Google save the password, etc. Click LOG IN

Once logged in, you will see this page. Click on PRODUCTS

Make sure you are on the ALL PRODUCTS page under PRODUCTS on the left. There are 3 pages here so best to search for the strain.

I'm going to take off Goon Mintz. I searched for 'Goon'. Put your mouse over the item and click QUICK EDIT.

I am adding the info below to Remove Item, Re-add Item and Change Price. Scroll to the relevant task.

Goon Mintz is $220 so it is in category 220. To remove an item, you need to unclick 220 and click UPDATE.

Once you click UPDATE, it will go back to the product page and the Category should say UNCATEGORIZED.

Go to the web page:
This link will open in a new window.

Check the $220 category and make sure Goon Mintz is not there.

Goon Mintz is back in stock. It is $220 so it is in category 220. To add back an item that was out of stock, you need to unclick UNCATEGORIZED in the product categories, click  220 and click UPDATE.

Once you click UPDATE, it will go back to the product page and the Category should say 200. Make sure the price is also correct.

Go to the web page:
This link will open in a new window.

Check the $220 category and make sure Goon Mintz is there.

Goon Mintz's price has changed from $220 to $260. Unclick 220 and click 260 in the product categories, Change the price to $260, and click UPDATE.

Once you click UPDATE, it will go back to the product page and the Category and Price should say $260.

Go to the web page:
This link will open in a new window.

Check the $260 category and make sure Goon Mintz is there and it is not in the $220 section.

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